
【学术视频】第五届量子信息、时空、拓朴态国际会议 | 加州理工学院Xie Chen副教授

koushare 蔻享学术 2021-04-25



 | Xie Chen

题   目:Foliated Fracton Order

报告人:Xie Chen单   位:California Institute of Technology时   间:2019-08-03地   点:昆明



One major open problem in quantum information theory is how to build a quantum hard drive, i.e. a quantum mechanical system that can store quantum information reliably for a very long time without active error correction. No completely satisfying solution to this problem has been found, but in the search for possibilities a whole new class of quantum many-body models have been discovered with exotic properties that have never been seen before. This new class of models, dubbed the “fracton” models, host point excitations that cannot move freely, have robust ground state degeneracy that increases with system size, and have unusually slow thermalization dynamics even in the absence of any disorder. In this talk, I will introduce some of the most important fracton models and present a systematic framework for characterizing their universal properties. By realizing that the model properties depend on the foliation structure of the underlying manifold, we are able to reveal the hidden equivalence relation between many seemingly different models and identify the direction of search for new nontrivial features.


Xie Chen is a condensed matter theorist at the California Institute of Technology. Her research interest is novel phases and phase transitions in quantum condensed matter systems, and topics include: topological order in strongly correlated systems; dynamics in many-body systems; tensor network representation; quantum information application.


第五届量子信息、时空、拓扑态国际会议( QuIST V) 于2019年8月2日-8月9日在云南省昆明市召开。 本次会议有100余名国内外相关领域的专家学者参会,其中多位特邀国际知名专家学者作了精彩的学术报告, 会议包括主题报告、分组报告、墙报、自由讨论等环节。此次国际学术会议的召开为相关领域的专家学者提供面对面的学术交流平台,促进该领域研究中心的建立,并进一步推动这一领域的发展。


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